
Susan Apps-Bodilly

Susan Apps-Bod­il­ly

pho­to cred­it: Steve Apps


Ter­rif­ic Edu­ca­tor Resources from The Wis­con­sin His­tor­i­cal Society

Learn more about Susan Apps-Bodilly

Jerry Apps, Susan’s father

Steve Apps, professional photographer, Susan’s brother


Radio Interviews

  • Old Farm Coun­try Cook­book,” Susan and her father, Jer­ry Apps, talk with Lar­ry Meiller on Wis­con­sin Pub­lic Radio about the cook­book, 15 August 2017


  • Books & Cooks YouTube Show, inter­view, Sun Prairie Pub­lic Library, host­ed by Svetha Het­zler. Library Direc­tor Svetha Het­zler chats with the author of Old Farm Coun­try Cook­book, Susan Apps-Bod­il­ly. Svetha made Sorghum Cook­ies and Susan made Bach­e­lor But­ton cook­ies for this episode
  • A Very Sauk Prairie Christ­mas,” MAX TV Bara­boo, 9 Decem­ber 2017. Join host Rauel LaBreche along with guests Jer­ry and Susan Apps as they broad­cast from McFar­lanes’ in Sauk City to dis­cuss Jer­ry and Susan’s lat­est books as well as hear some amaz­ing sto­ries. Musi­cal guest, the Prairie Spies Band, treat us to some of their favorite acoustic hol­i­day tunes.