About Susan

Susan Apps-Bodilly

Susan Apps-Bod­il­ly


Susan R. Apps-Bod­il­ly is a retired edu­ca­tor who taught in ele­men­tary and mid­dle schools. She has a degree in Cur­ricu­lum and Instruc­tion and a Master’s Degree from UW-Madison. 

She is the author of One Room Schools, Sto­ries from the Days of 1 Room, 1 Teacher, 8 Grades and Seeds in Soil: Plant­i­ng a Gar­den and Find­ing Your Roots, as well as the co-author of two books with Jer­ry Apps: Old Farm Coun­ty Cook­book and Tim­ber! A North­woods Sto­ry of Lum­ber, Log­ging, and the Land (all pub­lished by Wis­con­sin His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Press).

She appeared in a PBS Wis­con­sin tele­vi­sion show: Jer­ry Apps, Food and Mem­o­ries, that fea­tured the cookbook.

Susan encour­ages writ­ers of all ages to share their sto­ries. She lives in Madi­son, Wis­con­sin, and is avail­able to give pre­sen­ta­tions on top­ics relat­ed to her books to groups of all ages.

Jeff, Susie, and Steve with their large pumpkin
Jeff, Susie, and Steve
with their large pumpkin


Here I am with my two broth­ers, Jeff and Steve, in our fam­i­ly gar­den. We were very proud of our biggest pump­kin ever!

I love being out­side — gar­den­ing, bik­ing, hik­ing in the woods at our fam­i­ly tree farm, and kayaking. 

I am a retired edu­ca­tor. I worked with stu­dents in grades 1–3 and 6–8 for many years. I espe­cial­ly enjoy help­ing kids cre­ate writ­ing using art and nature as inspiration.

When not read­ing or writ­ing, I may be in my kitchen try­ing a new recipe or writ­ing down a good idea for a project before I for­get it!
