About Susan

Susan Apps-Bodilly
Susan R. Apps-Bodilly is a retired educator who taught in elementary and middle schools. She has a degree in Curriculum and Instruction and a Master’s Degree from UW-Madison.
She is the author of One Room Schools, Stories from the Days of 1 Room, 1 Teacher, 8 Grades and Seeds in Soil: Planting a Garden and Finding Your Roots, as well as the co-author of two books with Jerry Apps: Old Farm County Cookbook and Timber! A Northwoods Story of Lumber, Logging, and the Land (all published by Wisconsin Historical Society Press).
She appeared in a PBS Wisconsin television show: Jerry Apps, Food and Memories, that featured the cookbook.
Susan encourages writers of all ages to share their stories. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, and is available to give presentations on topics related to her books to groups of all ages.

with their large pumpkin
Here I am with my two brothers, Jeff and Steve, in our family garden. We were very proud of our biggest pumpkin ever!
I love being outside — gardening, biking, hiking in the woods at our family tree farm, and kayaking.
I am a retired educator. I worked with students in grades 1–3 and 6–8 for many years. I especially enjoy helping kids create writing using art and nature as inspiration.
When not reading or writing, I may be in my kitchen trying a new recipe or writing down a good idea for a project before I forget it!